Saturday, December 30, 2006


So I got to sleep in some today, which is nice, maybe I'll feel a bit better today. Anyway, last night was neat, I ran into a woman I used to work with, Linda, at CVS. She seems to be doing well. Andrew is still enjoying his ps3, which is good, after all the work to get him one. He registered it online last night, that was an involved process. But he found that they had a free downloadable game for Sudoku he got for me. I haven't tried it yet.
In other exciting news... ok I don't really have any. LOL.


Anna said...

I really want a Nintendo Wii.

But I don't see that in my near future.

ExerciserTODAY said...

I'm thinking about it, but not until next year some time, andrew probably wouldn't use it, and I don't know if I will use it that much.