World of warcraft - For those of you who don't know. BTW I'll post about the penguin thing later. So I've started a trial for WOW. Andrew plays, and has been bugging me to play for awhile so I signed up. Its not bad, but the graphics aren't that great. but so far it isn't bad. haven't really partied (played with other players) or anything, but I'm still new.
I'm a hunter Night Elf (er, I think that's right. LOL. I have pointy ears I know that.) which means I can have pets. Though I don't have one yet. But I did the quest that allows me to have pets, so here are some pics of me and the temporary pets.

watch this video from my old blog....
is this making fun of WOW??LOL I thought it was funny, but wasn't sure what it was...
Ok, now that video is WOW
but (and if this doesn't work, you really need to search on YouTube for the internet is for porn and guild wars) there is one from a game called guild wars which is much better. LOL
and.. though this isn't as good, but same guildwar game
I'm not sure why the players of these games decided to use the internet porn song for this, but eh, whatever.
Oh, and sorry for the long post, but I went all weird and stuff.
So you're an orc.
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