Friday, December 29, 2006


sometimes I hate being me.
For those of you who don't know I have Fibromyalgia. This is a chronic pain condition, which also involves alot of exhaustion. Anyway, was having a decent day, got alot done at work, then went shopping, got some storage units, came home and cooked and cleaned a bit, and now feel like I'm going to fall over. Bah, it sucks.

Anyhoo... there is a guest map now at the bottom right, so go ahead and mark off on the map where you are in the world, and there is a lovely poll at the top which should deeply reveal your innermost thoughts.

Oh, and in case you don't know Buni, a Klondike Bar is chocolate covered ice cream, I have no idea if they sell them in Germany.
ok, I'm off to finish cooking and sit around like a lump, later all.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Hope you feel better.